Pupil Premium

The Government give schools an amount of money (known as the Pupil Premium Grant) to support children who have been on free school meals (FSM) within the last six years, or who are in Local Authority care (LAC). This money is used to help these children make very good progress so that they achieve high academic standards, and it can be used to support them to participate in all aspects of school life.

Church Hill Primary is committed to raising the attainment and progress of our pupils and diminishing the difference for the disadvantaged pupils through challenge for all. There is a shared ethos, which promotes high levels of wellbeing and inspires children to be the best they can be. We are committed to equality of opportunity and have high expectations for all. We achieve this through parental partnerships, consistent, highly effective teaching and swift interventions for pupils, so they all reach their full potential. We quickly identify potential barriers to learning and use research-based interventions and carefully target support to address them. We rigorously monitor the impact of interventions on pupils’ progress and attainment and adapt our approach. By the time our disadvantaged pupils leave us, they are performing well above other pupils nationally and locally. They make rapid progress from their starting points and leave fully prepared for the next stages of their lives.

Click here to view our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025.

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Church Hill Primary School

Burlington Rise, East Barnet, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN4 8NN.

020 8368 3431